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Created: Friday, 05 July 2024 15:17
Written by JoeSeppi
Leave it to the Roberts Court to turn the 4th of July into the FARCE of July.
Their decision regarding the "immunity" of a President is wrong on it's face.
The Constitution clearly states a President can be held legally accountable for his actions.
Article I
Section 3 Senate
Clause 7 Impeachment Judgments
Judgment in Cases of Impeachment shall not extend further than to removal from Office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office of honor, Trust or Profit under the United States: but the Party convicted shall nevertheless be liable and subject to Indictment, Trial, Judgment and Punishment, according to Law.
Where does that state or imply the opinion stated by the Court?
They made it up. They disregarded their own sworn comments during their confirmation hearings. They disregarded the Constitution.
They have summoned the defeated demons of the past and push us further down the road toward authoritarian rule.
Have they lost their minds?
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Created: Tuesday, 28 November 2023 16:11
Written by JoeSeppi
"Polls", "The Media". Gah!.
All seeming to indicate disenchantment with President Biden over, you know . . . "stuff".
Well, Stuff And Nonsense, says I. Take your desultory delusions and stuff 'em.
Things are about as good as they can be. Better than they were, under the Former Guy's watch, by any rational measure.
Inflation is under control. Arguably, the "horrible inflation" was the result of pent up post COVID spending and price gouging on the part of suppliers. Oh, no, Good Hearted Capitalists would never do that!
Prices have stabilized and some are dropping.
Get real.
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Created: Wednesday, 05 October 2022 22:15
Written by JoeSeppi
Regarding the clearly desperate threats by Putin to use Nuclear Weapons in Ukraine I offer clarity.
What needs to be restated with emphasis on its relevance to today, to it's amplified scope for current conditions and the horrendous end results, is the deterrent policy that got us through the Cold War: MAD.
MAD, for Mutually Assured Destruction. The solemnly assured full strike retaliation by the United States upon any and all adversaries that might use a Nuclear Weapon in a First Strike, thus assuring complete destruction of the aggressor(s).
Essentially, a Doomsday Machine.
No reasonably sane person would instigate such a catastrophe. The fly in the ointment being it is not clear Putin is "reasonably sane". Thus, this Re Declaration needs to be done Publicly, by the President, in a manner that will convey the message clearly and forcefully, to Putin, his underlings and Russian Generals and Admirals. It may be we must count on them being the ones without a Death Wish.
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Created: Wednesday, 21 September 2022 09:06
Written by JoeSeppi
The "Federal Reserve" continues to serve up interest rate hikes in a manner that reminds one of a "solution searching for a problem".
Raising rates as a solution to inflation clearly does not solve the alleged inflation problem. It would seem instead to be a contributor to what is being called inflation, which in this iteration is a largely self inflicted problem.
The rising prices today are largely a result of "greed", opportunistic price gouging on the part of producers, distributors and retailers.
The Fed today is a prime example (ahem) of the "Peter Principal" at work.