That's Enough.

Too FAR.





I said I would tell you when.   I

actually though you were smart

enough to figure it out on your


I guess not.   This is WAY

PAST When.

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What more do you need to know?

"I need Generals like Hitler had"

"The Constitution should be terminated"

"Dictator on Day 1"

"I'll use the Military against US Citizens"

Not much else to know, is there?


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Trojan Horses . . . What, Me Worry?

Does the recent spate of exploding pagers and perhaps other personal electronic devices in Lebanon, apparently perpetrated by Israel, put a smile on your face and a warm glow in your heart?

Pause then for a moment and consider how most of us these days, carry a Cell Phone or other mobile device.

Any of these devices can be "called" at virtually any time.

Getting the picture yet?  No?

Well, ponder then, if you will, that many, if not most all of these devices are manufactured by our good friends in Asia, likely China.  And China, as we are all aware has nothing but the best intentions toward "the West".

Now do  you see the issue?  

Good, because apparently our own Military does not, allowing various such personal devices to be possessed and carried on missions, on Land, in the Air and at Sea. 

I sit here blinking stupidly wondering, WTF?


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Supreme Court. Immunity? Impunity? Impropriety?

Leave it to the Roberts Court to turn the 4th of July into the FARCE of July.

Their decision regarding the "immunity" of a President is wrong on it's face.

The Constitution clearly states a President can be held legally accountable for his actions.

Article I  

Section 3 Senate

Clause 7 Impeachment Judgments

Judgment in Cases of Impeachment shall not extend further than to removal from Office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office of honor, Trust or Profit under the United States: but the Party convicted shall nevertheless be liable and subject to Indictment, Trial, Judgment and Punishment, according to Law.

Where does that state or imply the opinion stated by the Court?  

They made it up.  They disregarded their own sworn comments during their confirmation hearings.   They disregarded the Constitution.

They have summoned the defeated demons of the past and push us further down the road toward authoritarian rule. 

Have they lost their minds?

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