Hold the Presses! Alert the media! (oh, no wait . . .) FOX retracts!!!!!
- Details
- Created: Sunday, 03 October 2004 08:18
- Written by JoSeppi
Read the NY Times report here
While this retraction and apology has gotten wide play, mainly overseas, and on BLOG sites, it was not to been seen on the FOX web site this Sunday morning. A search on their site finds links to various places, which mainly quote an AP (Associated Press) feed.
Even though this fabrication seems to have attracted very little attention in the media, though it will no doubt run a marathon in the "conservative" internet underground, despite the retration
Interestingly and perhaps tellingly, while other new organizations have run this story, FOX seems reluctant to make this prominent on their own Web Site.
And what sort of punishment will be dealt to Mr. Carl Cameron, the FOX reporter who created and posted this bogus item?
Will he be excoriated and put to public humiliation along the lines of Dan Rather? Will FOX convene a special commission to look into their practices? This opinonated person thinks not.
And what does it tell us about FOX news and their reporting staff, that they can spend time making up "play" stories when they should be working on serious stories? What does it tell us about how they color their "real" stories, given the obvious bias shown in this, supposed play time story?