Hypocrits, Inc. (a.k.a) the Republican Party
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- Created: Tuesday, 26 October 2004 23:37
- Written by JoSeppi
Just listening to the noise being made by the Republicans (at least those favoring Bush in a big way) just makes my day. Where's Dirty Harry when we need him?
Never have I seen or heard such hypocritical nonsense has they have beens spewing lately. But then, I realise they really seem to believe the crap they are putting out. There is a name for people who beleive what it not so. I think it's called Insanity.
Let me just recite a few areas in which their hypocrisy is is evident:
States Rights - conveniently tossed out the windows by taking the Florida election controversy to the Supreme Court. Just for instance.
Fiscal Responsibility - Well, just look at the Budget deficit. I think 4 years is long enough, even in terms of economic cycles, to see that cutting taxes, while increasing spending, has not proven to be the medicine we need.
Big Government - Big increases in agencies that intrude into our lives, and creation of one of the largest in History (Dept of "Homeland Security")
Governmental Intrusion into private affairs (also see above). Well, if you private affairs are those of Corporate board rooms, there does seem to be less. However, if you are a private citizen, your home and habits seems to be open for persual.