Even more hypocrisy, and desperation.
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- Created: Thursday, 28 October 2004 19:59
- Written by JoSeppi
Seems so. Bush claims someone who jumps to conclusions and reaches beyond the facts (referring, of course to the missing explosives at al QaQaa), is not fit to be Commander in Chief. Hmm. He seems to forget his own myriad examples of "conclusion jumping", in the lead up to the invasion of Iraq.
A fitting term would be "Hoist with one's own Petard".
Bush claims the Kerry in denigrating the troops playing up the missing explosive. A curious claim, given that even the Bush butt-sniffer, former NYC mayor Gulianni, is quoted as saying, one cannot blame the President, no matter how one "twists it", but is the fault of the troops on the ground.
What hypocrisy. The troops are commanded. The troops are led. If they had been directed to secure that facility, the would have. Period. End of story.