Trojan Horses . . . What, Me Worry?
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- Created: Thursday, 19 September 2024 10:44
- Written by JoeSeppi
Does the recent spate of exploding pagers and perhaps other personal electronic devices in Lebanon, apparently perpetrated by Israel, put a smile on your face and a warm glow in your heart?
Pause then for a moment and consider how most of us these days, carry a Cell Phone or other mobile device.
Any of these devices can be "called" at virtually any time.
Getting the picture yet? No?
Well, ponder then, if you will, that many, if not most all of these devices are manufactured by our good friends in Asia, likely China. And China, as we are all aware has nothing but the best intentions toward "the West".
Now do you see the issue?
Good, because apparently our own Military does not, allowing various such personal devices to be possessed and carried on missions, on Land, in the Air and at Sea.
I sit here blinking stupidly wondering, WTF?