I am left stunned by how perverted the "right of self defense" has become.
I am somewhat in favor of begin able to legally "stand ones ground". But . . . it is another matter, entirely, to pursue someone, challenge them (and provoke them?) then shoot them, "in self defense".
While it may take some time to sort out "the truth" in this matter, this is how I see it, so far:
The dead person "looks like a kid". Medium build, perhaps taller than average. Still a teenager. The Shooter looks like a grown man. Stocky, perhaps average height, or less.
Now, weeks after the shooting, there are claims that the shooter was attacked, knocked to the ground, and his nose broken, by the (now) dead person.
Uh,huh. Sure, I get it. Let's see . . . When this story first broke, there was no mention of a "broken nose" or being "knocked to the ground". Nope, not a word. Now, weeks later . . . A "cover story"? How can "facts" like that be overlooked?
You know what? Let's get a couple of those life size posters made up. One of Treyvon, one of George.
How Tea Party dolts, Repugnicans and Far Right idiots rant against "Obama Care", because it's "Government Mandated Health Care", but, when it come so Government mandated procedures for Women seeking certain services, well, boy, *that's* just fine.
No problem expending Government funds there, eh?
Now, don't get me wrong, I oppose pregnancy termination as a form of birth control. I also oppose Government interference in private health care matters.
I do support "Health Care for ALL" (aka single payer or "Medicare for all") and a virtual abolition of "Private Medical Insurance"
People like to crow about the the United States having "the best" Health Care in the world. But really, it's merely the most expensive Health Care in the world. If we look at this with clear eyes and a non ideological mind set, we can see that most of the (1st) world enjoys better care than we do, on average.
Factor in Children and, well, no contest. We rank way down the list in such things as infant mortality for instance.
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