Can Obama really win?

Is this yet another case of Democrats snatching defeat from the jaws of victory?

Is "America" really ready for a mixed race President? Are there really enough people, who will actually vote, that will not have a visceral, racist, reaction at the polls, behind that curtain?

Will the Democrats and particularly Senator Obama, have what it takes to counter, forcefully, the sure to come Swift Boat tactics, and worse, that are sure to spew forth? Can they really counter the hounds of hell that the Neo-Cons will unleash?

Oh, well, it seems inevitable, now that Senator Clinton has self destructed, that Senator Obama will gain the nomination. Senator Clinton, sadly lost my support with the "Bosnia fabrication". After her statement about the assassination of Bobby Kennedy, any chance of her gaining the second spot on the ticket has evaporated.

Senator Obama would do well to select a well respected, middle of the road, white female to be his running mate. But not Nancy Pelosi, no way, no how. Or, perhaps, a middle of the road southern male. But not John Edwards.

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Like treating a case of the clap (Gonorrhea) with a hammer?

Dawned on me, today, that the efforts to "win" in Iraq, as the current Administration, and its enablers, are doing, is like trying to treat a case of the clap (Gonorrhea) with a hammer.

A nice visual image, eh? But a good analogy, I think.

To further envision the thinking of these disturbed indivuduals, let me relate a "joke" told to me years ago.

When I was younger, a strident Right Wind, sorry, Wing, true believer was fond of images and jokes of a rather odd nature. Here's one:

"How do you cure a case of the "crabs"? Simple, you shave half your pubic area, squirt lighter fluid on the other half and set it on fire. When the crabs run away, stab them with an ice pick."

That, my friends, is a true story. And another illustration of the "neo-con mind".

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Marching to the same drummer

The Bush Administration, and it's neo-con nut cases, are nothing, if not predicatable.

It's hard to tell if they are really trying to con the American people, yet again, with their drum beating and cooked "intelligence" on these weapons, supposedly manufactured in Iran, or if they are simply trying to "gin up" their courage, to strike or invade Iran.

You know, kind of like the school yard bully who keeps telling you his is gonna kick your ass, but is afraid to, cause he might be seen to be the bully that he is.

So, instead, he just keeps insulting you and making public accusations, until, at last, he is convinced that enough people will stand by and watch, while he does his nasty deed.

The real reason they used those anonymouse military talking heads to present their "evidence" is to distance themselves, even further, so that, should it become clear that Iran is not involved, at the "highest levels" in the supply of these weapons, they will be in the clear.

Even military leaders are not convinced that Iran is involved "at the highest levels".

In any event, why is that a justification for a strike at Iran? It's just plain stupid.

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Boehners Boner? What, no outrage on the Right?

No, not a juvenile play on words (may be that's why CNN has taken to pronouncing his name differently?) but pointing out the double standard of the so called "liberal media".

They create a hurricane over Kerry's botched joke, yet let Rep. Boner slide for a direct and intentional assualt upon the ability of those actually doing the fighting.

And did you notice Boner's extremely expensive suit? Hmm, the repugnicans must be doing well, indeed.

The right, and some CNN morning shows, continue to show their low character by continuing to assault Kerry, despite his apology (for something that was perceived, not intended), yet say little or nothing about the direct and INTENTIONAL insult by Rep. Boner.

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