Cry for America and those that were once Free.


The Senate is poised to dishonor all those Patriots and Freedom loving persons that shed tears, blood and their lives, from Bunker Hill, Valley Forge, WWI and WWII, to the present day.

Cry for the Country that used to be Free as egotistical, short sighted madmen and madwomen put self interest before the best interests of the Country.

Weep, freedom lovers as we stare into the Abyss of waiting Tyranny.

God help us all as those elected to lead us certainly will not.


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The Cowardly Lions. Or is that Liars?

Seems the Majority of Republican "Senators",  have not the courage to stand for the Republic and instead opt for "Party" over "Country".

Sadly, for them, should they continue on that path, this story ends, not with "The Wizard" granting them their innermost desires, but with their utter humiliation at the hands of the "Wizard" once he no longer needs them.

Those that do not learn from History and do not perceive the nature of the Beast will fare not well.



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The Good Doctor?

Imagine you suffered a great injury, a severe jagged laceration. 

A series of Doctors worked to treat this wound and eventually, using various surgical stitches and staples, managed to close the wound and slow the bleeding so as to begin the healing.

Recovery is slow with many instances of renewed minor bleeding and various infections.  All are addressed as needed and healing continues, slowly, with some scars forming of course.

Along comes someone claiming to be the Worlds Greatest Doctor and that only he can finally heal you completely.

Those responsible for your care cede decision making to this self proclaimed Greatest Doctor.

He proceeds to tear out all the stitches and rip off the scabs and severe bleeding threatens.   

He then proclaims he did not do this to start the wound bleeding, but to stop it and that the patient is safer now, rather than under the care of less courageous Doctors.

Why would you believe such a person?



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Prelude to War, born of desperation

So, the Media is all a-flutter over the US attack that killed Suleimani and what it means for "escalation" in the area.

Only one pundit, that I know of, had the insight, or courage, to ask "why now"?, noting that it could have been done at anytime, given how openly Suleimani traveled the region.

However, he did not, apparently, have the fortitude to answer his own question with the obvious answer:  Re-Election.

Trump, with his sorry ass impeached and headed for electoral defeat, plays his Ace and hopes to ignite a major conflict in the area.  Which, no doubt, will ignite those of the Extreme Right Evangelical bent, who salivate at the idea of ushering in the "Second Coming".   Further, who ever heard of not re-electing a War Time President?

May have said the man is Insane, others a genius.  Perhaps they are all correct?


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