"Senator" McConnell - Hypocrisy at it's most shameless

Ah, now we see the shameless hypocrite at his finest. After inventing a rule to refuse to even consider the Obama appointment, "Senator" McConnell is already crowing about how they will confirm whatever Trump throws at them, before the Election.

As, yes, "Let the people decide" indeed.

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Where are the babies?

Where are the children and babies the Trump administration stole from their Parents?

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HOAX! Believe me!

Another WIN for the Trumpster. The BIGGEST WIN in History!

13 Russians indicted (plus 3 "entities") for interference in the Election process. Plus at least a few "persons known and unknown" simmering in the pan.

In Trump world, that proves the whole "Russia thing" is a HOAX!. The biggest HOAX. Believe him. Cause he says so!

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Memo? What Memo?

So, some nut job right wingers on a committee essentially write a note to themselves and call it a "Memo"

Not an astonishment that Trump approves. I think, for the first time in American history, we have the

head of the FBI stating, in effect, that the President has released to the Public, a false document.

Lovely. Trump. Putin's stooge.

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