
Do you believe in Democracy? Free will?

Or the concentration of all Wealth and Power in the hands of a few? The few that despise Mankind, or the few that love Mankind?

Do you really need me to tell you when to stand up and be heard? Add a comment

Putin behind pneumonia "germ warfare" in aid of Trump?

Could it be true? Did Putin really use germ warfare to aid Trump?

Is that REALLY how Clinton and some others came down with pneumonia?

Is that why so many on the Trump gravy train were beating the drums about Clinton's health? Did they have "Inside information" that she would be coming down with something?

I mean, that's what some people are saying. It's not impossible you know. I sure don't know that's true. You never know. Add a comment

Republi-Cons show their true colors

So 47 Senators, of the Republican denomination, took it upon themselves to correspond with a Foreign Power, an adversary, to essentially undermine the branch of Government that is Constitutionally mandated conduct Foreign Policy.

This from a party that claims to be the party of strict constructionists . . . and stuff like that?

These Senators, have shown themselves to be lacking in good sense, knowledge of the Constitution and Federal Statutes and over 200 years of precedent in the conduct of Foreign Affairs.

It is as close to overt Treason as can be imagined, short of actually sending Arms or money to an enemy.

Their actions are Despicable. Yet Again.

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Ukraine invaded, but ISIS is the threat?

Sen. McCain and Graham, both Hawks of the first order, are quite evocative when beating the Drum of War to confront ISIS, at least their NY Times piece seems to imply that, but they remain curiously mute when it comes to the situation in Ukraine. Or is that "moot"?

Hmm, well, anyway, we really can't take Russian expansionism as a serious matter now, can we? Nah, a well trained and well equipped Army, marching ever close to Europe, that's no problem, is it?

Nah, let's put our focus on the real threat. Oh, wait, what was it again? This time?

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