Tea Party? What a bunch of looney tooneys.

They are legends in their own minds. With Faux News giving them aid and comfort.

Terrorists without (immediately) lethal weapons.

Here we have supposedly sentient beings, who harangue others with monologues about the Constitution, "original intent" , etc., but seem to think the way to undo a law is via extortionist tactics.

You don't get to do what is effectively insurrection (or Treason, even) and expect to remain an effective force for your point of view.

Don't like the law? Work to change it thru the normal Legislative process, not hold the nation hostage to your foot stomping and breath holding.

Your tactics are those of weaklings and Cowards.

Despicable. There is no other word for it.

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gitmo aka Guantanamo Bay

What a disgrace this is to Americans.

It is torture to force feed people. I will not restate the other obvious issues.

President Obama pontificates well, but appears to have no stomach or spine to do what is morally correct and legally required.

Is this a President or a Mouse? Add a comment

Gene patenting? Ultimately a new form of Slavery?

If genes can be patented . . . owned, in other words . . .

Will not this ultimately end up with the owners having a legal claim to anything containing

those genes?

Including, ultimately, Humans?

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Abolish Section 5?

I am continually amused by those types that want things like section 5 of the Voting Rights Act ruled unconstitutional.

By a "non activist" Judiciary, of course.

But that's not my point. Section 5 and many environmental and financial regulations are under attack by those who say, in effect, "those bad old days are over, we don't need those laws any more . . .".

Ok, fine. So what? What's the big deal about leaving them on the books, even if they don't need to be used? What's the point of abolishing a law that prevents you from doing something?

The only reason is so you can go back to doing the prohibited activity. And not go to jail.

See? Simple. And that's the only reason.

After all, if no murders have happened, in the last few years, we don't revoke the laws against murder, do we? Not been mugged lately? Revoke the laws against armed robbery and assault, right?

Well, no, not really.

Sheesh. Add a comment

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