Yes, there have been some tragic horrendous incidents involving high powered long guns with high capacity magazines (clips).
And there is no excusing these acts by obviously (in retrospect) dangerously deranged people.
But that is the fault of the deranged people and those who did nothing to help, or restrain them, not the weapons now being demonized.
What of the "solutions" such as the one just passed into law in NY? Does making a "flash suppressor" illegal, in any way cause a long gun to be less deadly? Hardly. I mean, really . . .
And of what net benefit is reducing the maximum capacity of a clip to 7, from 10? Well, it does have the result of effectively limiting capacity to 5, as no one, that I am aware of, currently makes clips (for .223 ammo) with capacity of 7.
Now, pistol grip? Folding stock? OK, sure, those may be considered "military style" and may influence the means of use and concealment (under a coat, in a bag, shooting from the hip, etc).
But the other two I mentioned? Feel good, look at me and the "good things I did". That's all.
Do we even need to get into the flawed logic of such measures? Many more people are killed each year, I would suspect anyway, in high powered cars and motorcycles. I mean, who needs all that horsepower anyway? I know, let's ban all engines over 50 HP in cars, and 5 HP in two wheel vehicles.
While it is appropriate to have compassion for those who find they are strongly attracted to someone of the same gender and believe the are "in love", it is not appropriate to call any union of two such persons "marriage".
Should they desire to make a life together, that is their choice. We have, after all, free will. That free will includes the possibility of making choices that are contrary to certain norms.
And, in a country such as the United States, a decision to "join lives" should have the opportunity to be granted legal status where certain rights and privileges of hetero sexual couples are not prohibited to such a homo sexual couple.
But, you see, this is not "marriage". The term "marriage" has a long history of being between a man and a woman. While this has at some times included polygamy and even slavery, both now deemed outside of norms, it has never been applied to same sex, or homosexual, couples.
It should not be changed. If homo sexual couples choose to join lives, they should be happy in a civil union, with the rights and privileges of the hetero sexual pairing that we call marriage.
For the homo sexual community to insist their parings be called "marriage" is simply silly. There can be no "husband" and "wife" in a conventional (normal) sense. While one may assume, or even relish, a particular role, it is just that, "playing a role".
In my view, the demand for "same sex marriage" as another name for "civil union" has hidden meanings that most do not appreciate and would not accept even if explained to them.
So, Senators Graham, McCain and Ayotte are more troubled now than ever, about the Benghazi "affair".
After all, 4 Americans died in this attack. We must get to the bottom of this!
We must go after this with much greater outrage and ferocity than we did, oh, 10, lebben year ago, right? This is clearly far worse then the September 11 attacks, where almost 4,000 were killed, two skyscrapers toppled, the Pentagon damaged and . . . oh, wait. That was then, this is now.
After all, that was under the Republican watch, so, well, it's not as bad.
Shall we compare Rice to Rice?
Hmm. "Mushroom Cloud" anyone? Ah, but leading a country into a war that seems never to end, under utterly false terms, that is, INTENTIONALLY leading a country into War . . . oh, well, that's not nearly as bad as parroting CIA talking points that were provided.
So, saying something false, but with belief it's true, that's worse than deliberately spreading information you KNOW is a lie?
Ah, yes. Outrage. Seems to me it is pointed in the wrong direction.
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Once again the Israelis commit an act of agression then use the predictable violent response to justifty further escalation.
This time, they appear to have assasinated the very leader who was, according to reports, preparing to begin a process that heralded positive change in the region.
It certainly appears certain Israelis prefer War to Peace.